︎Commissioned works
︎Guidebook cover (Summer 2017 ) & Art and essay book cover (October 2018 )
︎Watercolour on paper, glue and collage, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop

Roger Sheperd, sole owner/operator of HIKEKOREA, was my family’s hiking guide while on vacation in South Korea in 2015.
A few years later, he posted an opportunity on Facebook to design the cover of his new books.
I wanted to participate and celebrate the beauty of Korea's mountains and support HikeKorea's important message:
It is the only travel company in Korea that reaches out to all corners of the peninsula. As an advocate for an independent and free Korea, Roger Sheperd's work portrays a message of Korea being one nation one people one mountain.
{ The cover of the guidebook was designed in a collaboration with Iris Breitwiller.}