Sound of Sea
︎Short film (1min), 1920x1080px
︎Compositing a compilation of movie clips, 3D animations and public domain footage
︎Autodesk Maya, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Audition

On Wednesday April 3rd 2019, Sea Shepherd France launched an effective campaign, to transmit a signal to humans. The signal was a compilation of agonising cries from 30 different species of the ocean.
Inspired by the sound clips, I extracted and built a narrative around them. The viewer dives into the ocean, watches and listens to humankind’s impact on the underwater environment.
The video addresses the abuses suffered by the ocean: pollution of sound, space, toxicity and mass consumption.
Sound of Sea is an S.O.S, a cry from the bottom of the ocean, an attempt at asking humans to react and actively change.
May 2019